This paper reports 79 cases of foreign body of tra- chea and bronchial.The foreign bodies were removed by bronchoscope via mouth in general anaesthesia.During the operation,children keep quiet and muscle relax.It benifits for removing foreign body and reducting the oc- curence of Iaryngism.Larynx edema vagus reflex and shorten the operative time. The succeess rate is 100% .No any complications occured.There is no tracheoto my.
黄友棣456.小儿支气管异物79例分析[J].国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,1993,(2):111Huang Yout Hunan Children Hospital, Changsha222. Analysis of Foreign Body of Trachea and Bronchial in Children:79 Cases Report[J]. Journal of International Neurology and Neurosurgery,1993,(2):